The will to understand the requests of a world even more globalized, led me to approach to the international studies.
I obtained the Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science at Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro".
Afterward, I moved to Rome and in 2013, I earned the Master’s Degree in International Relations at Università degli Studi di Roma "Luiss Guido Carli".
The wish to compare myself to other people coming from several world areas, pushed me to go, initially, in Czech Republic to take part to the Erasmus Exchange Program, and upon graduating, in Washington DC as Research Fellow at Global Island Partnership.
In 2014, I achieved the LL.M. in International Business Law at Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", gaining a solid grasp of the impact of international law on business practices. More specifically, I increased the understanding of fundamentals of international business law through the investigation of a wide range of issues, such as arbitration & alternative dispute resolution, corporate law and international commercial contracts.
In 2016, I earned the Law Degree with a final dissertation in Insolvency Law entitled "Gli accordi di ristrutturazione dei debiti: profili funzionali e comparatistici".
I worked at major italian law firms gaining a significant experience in civil, commercial and employment litigation.
Post graduate course in "I diritti dei consumatori - Forme di responsabilità e di tutela alla luce del D.lgs 206/2005", Asso - Consum, 2021
Law degree, Università degli Studi di Roma "Unitelma Sapienza", 2016
LL.M. in International Business Law, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", 2014
Amerigo Advanse International, Washington D.C., 2013
International Center for Language Studies, Washington D.C., 2013
Master's degree in International Relations, Università degli Studi di Roma "Luiss Guido Carli", 2013
Erasmus Exchange Program, Masaryk University of Brno, 2011-2012
Bachelor's degree in Political Science, International Relations and European Studies, Università degli Studi di Bari, 2010
Avvocato admitted to the Bari Bar
Board of Arbitrators, ADICU aps
Agri - food Law and Sustainable Tourism Committee, Ordine degli Avvocati di Bari
Member of Committee for Safeguarding Impartiality, IRCCOS S.r.l.